
IDS CheddarMaster™ - New Mozzarella Plant - Sth Australia

Cheese making equipment for Mozzarella plant - South Australia

In 2017 Innovative Dairy Systems (IDS) Ltd was approached by a well-respected Australian process engineering company to design, fabricate, install, and commission a 4.0 TPH rated Cheese machine for a possible mozzarella plant. 

Beston Pure Foods is a very go-ahead Cheese Producer and has transformed an 80-year-old Jervois factory into a state-of-the-art Mozzarella plant. The Beston Pure Foods factory up-grade started in February 2018. The 12-month project included a complete overhaul of the 1940’s factory. The equipment for the new factory came from Italy, Holland, and New Zealand. The second-hand Vat’s came from the old Fonterra site in Kiakoura and the new Cheese Machine was designed and built by Innovative Dairy Systems in Hamilton, NZ. Photo below of the 4.0 TPH 2 x belt CheddarMaster™.

Sometimes the installation can be challenging, but with the right experience and planning, things go together well.


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